scattermish @ Favela Rock - Laundry This Saturday

Anyway not to worry too much, cause Opulent are still gonna put on a hell of a show, cause they got both floors of the laundry booked out!
Lineup looks like this:
Upstairs - Dripped out
9-130 Rob Steady
1030-1130 Team Muhfukkin Opulent
1130-1 Mafia
1-3 CWD
Downstairs - Dirty South Swangers
9-10 Tranter
10-11 sweeps
11-12 Brendan Palmer
12-1 SJX
1-2 Ems
2-3 Scattermish
Hang around for me cause i gots lotsa sweet new beats and treats i wanna play out... You know the kinda beats that make people look like this:

Labels: event, scattermish